Thursday, August 11, 2011

Little Chevelle

Chevelle Schettler was born December 2, 2010 in Caldwell, Idaho to Mike and Patreesa Schettler (and Gauge too!). In March of 2011 she and her family moved back to San Tan Valley, AZ. Most recently she was learning how to crawl and stand up by herself. She is one of the happiest (and prettiest) babies you will ever meet! Just this past Saturday I was able to witness, yet again, how doting her parents are. She is lucky to have been given the parents she has. She gave a new spark to her little family and a noticeable change to her daddy. Any man that has a daughter can attest to the tenderness they get when dealing with their little girls. She is her mommy's buddy and best friend. She loves spending time with her big brother Gauge and he loves her just the same. 

On Wednesday August 10, 2011 Chevelle was involved in a near fatal drowning accident during her morning bath. She was life-flighted to Cardon Children's Medical Center in Mesa, AZ. As of this morning she remains in critical condition with a Pediatric Neurologist and Pediatrician attending to her. As more information is given it will be posted here to the blog. 

Chevelle and her parents would appreciate ANY prayers on their behalf. 


  1. Praying for this sweet little angel...we have a baby the same age...this just breaks my heart. We were just at cardon childrens for our little girl last week due to a dog bite...they are so amazing and will take good care of you. I know you dont know me but im a friend of your nephew little Ethan...been praying for a miracle since I heard early this morning


  2. I am deeply saddened to hear about Chevelle. My heart goes out your family.

    Jessica Brooks

  3. my prayers are with you and your family in this time of loss...big hugs...

  4. So very sorry to hear of your loss. My heart breaks for the whole family as I know there is nothing right now that will ease your pain. Keep faith in God and he will help you in this time of sorrow. If you ever need to talk feel free to call as Mike you were there when Candice passed and I will always be here for you and your family.

    Love and Prayers to the family!

  5. I am Ashley Gillett's older sister and wanted to stop by to say how very sorry I am for your loss! You have been in my prayers and will continue to be through this unbearable time. I pray that you find some kind of comfort and strength as you try to make it through each day.
    God Bless!!

  6. Dear Petie, Mike and little Gauge and Family. I am Tammy Smith Hales from Young Az. My heart is just breaking for your whole family. I pray for your whole family to be comforted and strengthened. I remember you Petie as a beautiful baby girl like your baby. I know she is being held so close by your grandma Hannah right now. Love and Prayers are coming your way.
    Love Tammy & Ryan Hales Family and the Smith Family from Pleasant Valley.
